Monday, July 25, 2011

Watch "Leaked" Gamplay Footage of UFC Undisputed 3

Combat video game enthusiasts can finally revel after 14 month since a UFC Undisputed has been released to buy. The game creators, THQ, are taking the 2011 year off from making the video game available for purchase due to a lack of sales of UFC Undisputed 2 in May of 2010 with a plan to release the third game in January of 2012. If you make fans of the video game wait, they are inevitably going to get antsy. Which will lead to one tech-savvy nerd to make a "leak" known to the general MMA video game public.

Interesting to note the leak consists of a match-up that all fans are waiting to watch between Jon Jones and Rampage Jackson at UFC 135 in September.