Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why Don't You Like TNA?

from Bleacher Report:

This questions is one that has interested me for a very long time.

I’ve talked to other fans via this website and others in an attempt to find a more clear answer on this. I’m a big fan of TNA. I watch Impact every week and all of their PPVs and enjoy almost all of them.

However, when I read what others fans say online, I see mostly negative.

I’ve never understood this.

TNA has some of the biggest legends of the past: Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Sting. You get some of the best stars of today such as AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle and Ken Anderson. You also have several talented up and comers like Crimson and Gunner.

Unlike the WWE, Impact doesn’t just revolve around one person. You have multiple feuds and story lines to follow each week. You have the X-Division for those who like the fast pace high flying type of wrestling on each PPV. You have a tag team division with actual tag teams. You have a women’s division where the women get real feuds, real story lines and actual character development.

TNA gives you all of this in only 2 hours a week. You got pretty much every thing any reasonable wrestling fan could want.

Yet the organization is consistently disparaged by wrestling fans. I kept finding myself asking. “What more do you want”?

So, I’ve been looking into that answer. I talk to other fans, I listen to wrestling radio shows, and I read the comments here on Bleacher Report.

I’ve come up with a theory on this question and I’d like to get some feedback from the readers here. I think that most of the IWC falls into 2 groups.

The first one is a group that I talked about in one of my previous articles. I’ve noticed a large group of people who want TNA to be, what I’ve referred to as, Ring of Honor with a bigger budget.

They want Ring Of Honor to have the TV deal that TNA has.

For whatever reason, no national network has picked up ROH and no one with a enough money has invested in them. In fact, many of these people also believe that if ROH has TNA’s TV deal, they would be able to compete with WWE to the point that ROH would take viewers from WWE and force them to change their programming.

Ring of Honor doesn’t seem to be growing in the way that these people want it to, so that want TNA to become Ring of Honor.

Many Indy wrestling fans fall into this category. Fans of promotions like ROH, Dragon Gate USA, Evolve. Pretty much, fans of any promotion that has ever involved Gabe Sapolsky fall into this group.

The second group seems to want TNA to be the compliment to WWE. Basically, they want TNA to do all of the things that WWE doesn’t do.

WWE has no cruiserweight division anymore so they want TNA to put more focus on the X-Division. WWE doesn’t do tag team wrestling. So they want TNA to do tag team wrestling.

For different reasons, I think that both of these methods would be unsuccessful for TNA to follow. However, that is for another article.

So what do you think readers? What do you think of my theory? What do you want from TNA?

Personally, I want the show to jump out of the television and have sex with me.  And not just TNA, pretty much any of them.